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bar, brunswick, cartography, inner north, map, melbourne, pub, transit, victoria -

This map has rapidly become one of my most popular ones, so I thought I should do a write-up about it.  This tale begins with a risky decision to enter mortgagedom and buy an apartment within my current complex.  The former apartment which I was renting, was decorated in the style of a previous map series (PROJECT #130: SINGLE LINE TRAM MAPS) , and I wanted to switch things up.  I had previously started work on neighbourhood pub and bar maps (PROJECT #330: NEIGHBOURHOOD PUB & BAR MAPS), and the original idea was to simply expand in scale to cover...

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cartography, future, train, transit, victoria -

As the previous blog post can attest, I have a keen appreciation for the beauty and variety of regional Victoria.  It probably comes as no surprise then, that I’ve always wanted to create a fantasy V/Line map - V/Line being the brand of Victoria’s regional rail network.  Afterall, why keep all the fantasy rail map magic to metropolitan Melbourne’s trains and trams?   Victoria is geographically small by Australian standards, but fairly large by global standards, being approximately the size of the United Kingdom, so where to start with my vision for a rail network that covers an area equal to...

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cartography, future, map, melbourne, transit -

I’ve always been a bit of a gunzel, growing up just past the terminus of the Lilydale Line meant that as a youngster, the train network was my access point to the Greater Melbourne area.  Before the internet gave us easy and immediate access to Melbourne’s train network map, it was found towards the back of the Melway directory - a pre-Google maps necessity for any Melburnian.  After the completion of the Melbourne Underground Rail Loop - more commonly known to most as the underground sections the City Loop and the city’s first subway-style sections of the network - in...

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